NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays

NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays

Week 1: Identifying Your Capstone Project Topic

This week’s focus is on selecting a topic for your capstone evidence-based project within your specialized field. The chosen topic should align with your interests from coursework, clinical experiences, or areas identified as weak in your pre-predictor exam.

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After reviewing Chapter One in Melnyk and course lectures, consider a topic that piques your interest. Present a concise one to two-word topic you wish to delve into further and elaborate on your fascination with it. This topic should encompass the central question you’ve been developing throughout your academic journey.

For instance, I might opt for “depression” due to its prevalence in primary care settings. This will lay the foundation for exploring the background of this topic, leading to my eventual PICOT question.

As you advance in your capstone project proposal, sharing your progress with peers and instructors to seek or offer guidance is crucial. By the designated due date, participate in the Discussion Area by responding to the question. Your responses should be substantiated with relevant citations in APA format, drawing from both course materials and external resources, including the South University online library encompassing various domains such as nursing, education, business, and human resources.

Ensure you support one viewpoint and challenge another in a constructive manner by the week’s end. Engaging in respectful dialogue, focus on different perspectives, seek additional information from other sources, and respectfully contest viewpoints, referencing other sources. Constructive, concise, and objective language is essential.

Week 2: Developing Background Questions

In this week, your focus shifts to the one to two-word topic identified in Week 1. Using this topic as a foundation, you’ll create a background question. You’ll post this background question, elaborate on your research strategy, and offer feedback to peers.

Share your background question and the methodology you’ll employ to gain comprehensive insights into the clinical issue. As you progress with your capstone project proposal, ongoing collaboration with peers and instructors to exchange insights and seek guidance is pivotal.

Week 3: Crafting the PICOT Question

This week, the objective is to formulate a PICOT question from your background research. You’ll receive and provide feedback on your classmates’ PICOT questions to refine them for effective literature searches.

State your PICOT question and annotate each segment to indicate its corresponding part in the PICOT framework. When providing feedback to classmates, focus on the correctness of the PICOT format, relevance of the clinical issue, and appropriateness for an evidence-based practice project.

Week 4: Defining Your Capstone Issue and Developing Your PICOT Question

In Week 4, your task is to delve into the background of your chosen issue and define it using relevant literature. This paper concludes with your PICOT question.

Your paper should encompass:
– Introduction
– Definition
– Epidemiology
– Clinical Presentation
– Complications
– Diagnosis
– Conclusion with the finalized PICOT Question

Week 4 is also an opportune time to initiate your literature search, using your PICOT question to guide the process. Begin appraising studies through rapid critical appraisal tools and devise a plan for your Evidence Synthesis Table.

Utilize the provided table to perform searches in five databases based on your PICOT Question. Record the relevant articles found and share your experience with the databases. Summarize your search strategy on the discussion board and attach your search chart.

Keep in mind that not every search may yield desired results, but the comprehensive search across all databases is crucial for thorough exploration.

Exploring the Literature

Picot Question: 

 Research Tool  Search Tips  Search Terms &  Limits  Findings  Features

CINAHL is an SU subscription-only resource that offers full text access to 336 scholarly journals and indexes over 3,000 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous

§  Look at the Major Subject Heading in the Full Record 

§  Use the Limits Feature:

o   Example: Publication Type=Systematic Review

§  Try the CINAHL Heading search:


Keyword search: 


CINAHL Heading search:


NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays

PubMed is a free health science citation & abstracts index from the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine.


§  Look at MeSH Terms in Full Record 

§  Use the Limits Feature:

o   Examples: Article Type=Meta-Analysis; Age=All Adult

§  Look for the open access Free articles!


Keyword search:  



MESH search:



NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays
Cochrane Library 

Cochrane Library provides access to the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews. Full text of reviews are subscription only. Index summaries are a public resource. Indexed journals do not provide access to full-text. Just because it is indexed in does not mean the library has full-text access to the journal. SU can always request articles for students via Interlibrary Loan, but the service is not instantaneous

§  Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features 

§  Allows you to search with MeSH Terms

§  Check out the New Reviews

 Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search:  



MESH search:





·      Use the Simple Search and the Advance Search Features 

·      Allows you to search with MeSH Terms

·      Check out the New Reviews

Browse reviews by topic

Keyword search: 


Also browse by:


TRIP Database 

TRIP is a clinical search engine to locate publicly available clinical evidence.


§  Limit to: 

§  Systematic Reviews

§  Guidelines-US


Keyword search: 


NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays
SU Library Search ·      Library Search is setup just like an EBSCO 

·      The Library even has a specialized PICOT search setup in Library Search—must go to Advance search to get to PICOT option

  NSG 6999 graduate project in nursing weekly discussions essays
Other Databases:

Week 5: Rapid Critical Appraisal and Keeper Studies

This week, your task involves completing the rapid critical appraisal process and incorporating the identified “keeper studies” into your finalized Evaluation Table. Use this opportunity to reflect on effective strategies for researching and appraising research studies.

In the discussion, we will be assessing a “keeper study” by working through seven critical questions:

1. Why was the study conducted? Ensure its direct relevance to the clinical question.
2. What is the sample size? Recognize that size can vary based on study nature.
3. Are the instruments and variables clearly defined and reliable? Verify consistent application and accurate measurement.
4. How was the data analyzed? Ensure statistical relevance to the clinical question.
5. Were any unusual events noted during the study? Assess the potential impact on study replication.
6. How do the results align with previous research in the field? Confirm that the study builds on similar studies.
7. What are the implications of the research for clinical practice? Assess its relevance to crucial clinical matters.

Week 6: Development of the Evaluation Table and Narrative Descriptions

In this week, your primary focus is on crafting the Evaluation Table and describing the studies of interest using narrative expressions.

Share on the discussion board, synthesize the research of at least two articles that support your PICOT question. Condense the research into concise, clear statements, refraining from individually reviewing each study but instead paraphrasing and synthesizing the collective work accomplished.

Complete the Evidence Table as outlined in the Evidence Table Worksheet. Alongside this, include the Week 4 worksheet with the finished Evidence Table.

Evidence Table Worksheet:

I. PICOT Question:

Additional questions:
– Will there be a comparison group, or will subjects serve as their own controls?
– Is a ‘time’ factor relevant to your question? Explain the rationale.

II. Evidence Synthesis

For each database, such as Cochran, list the studies and complete the corresponding cells for each study number. Synthesize the evidence gathered into the “Synthesis” section.

Keep in mind that the data input into the evidence synthesis tables should encompass only essential information, which may vary based on the nature of the Rapid Critical Appraisal and the clinical context.

These activities in Weeks 5 and 6 focus on the systematic evaluation and synthesis of the evidence you’ve gathered, enhancing your ability to discern the relevance and quality of the studies related to your capstone project.

  • Evaluation Table


Citation Design Sample size: Adequate? Major Variables: 


Independent Dependent

Study findings: Strengths and weaknesses Level of evidence Evidence Synthesis
 Research Tool  Search Tips  Search Terms &  Limits  Findings  Features
· ·
· ·
· ·
· ·
Other Databases:

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in Nursing



In this week, you will create a plan for implementing your EBP, which will be attached to your final EBP report. For this week’s discussion board, outline the steps for your implementation as 1-2-3.

Step 1: Identifying the Problem

Step 2: Developing a Search Strategy

Step 3: Carefully Evaluating the Evidence


Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) involves several aspects such as assessing scientific validity, internally generated data, outcomes, and the implementation of evidence. However, all these aspects are aimed at achieving the primary goal of EBP – enhancing the quality of patient outcomes. In healthcare, it’s crucial to determine whether we are successful in achieving this objective or not.


This week, you will work on creating an evaluation plan that will be attached to your EBP presentation in Week 9. Submit your Evaluation Plan to the Discussion Board using the format 1-2-3.

Step 1: Integrating Evidence with Clinical Expertise and Patient Preferences to Inform Decision-Making and Practice Change

Step 2: Evaluating the Outcomes

Step 3: Sharing and Disseminating the Project


Share your EBP presentation on the Discussion Board for feedback before the final submission in Week 10.

Provide constructive feedback to 2 of your peers.


Submit your EBP project, including the Implementation Plan and Evaluation Plan. Your EBP plan should resemble the plan found on page 248 of the Melnyk’s text.



New evidence can’t have its maximum impact on clinical practice and patient outcomes unless it’s effectively communicated. The main purpose of disseminating evidence, whether through presentations or publications, is to facilitate the transfer and adoption of research findings into actual clinical practice.


Share your final EBP presentation on the Discussion Board. As you continue working on your capstone project proposal, it’s important to update your peers and instructor about your progress, and to seek or provide guidance and insights.


Share your EBP Presentation on both the Discussion Board and the Project platform.

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